This blog has only ONE purpose:
to empower you!No junk info, no ads, no cutesy turns of phrase, no distracting forums, no personal opinions, no comments, no waste of your precious time.
Our editors are given clear guidelines to find and share ONLY high-value, practical and strategic knowledge TO EMPOWER YOU.
Today, there is SO MUCH information available out there, yet most of it is not practical, nor strategic, nor concisely written. Result: you waste time, energy and money.
This is not acceptable! You've got better things to do in life, like spend time with family and friends, play golf, go shopping with the girls, or just hang around with the boys.
You don't have time to waste reading books or websites or white papers that never offer any clear and practical knowledge that you can implement next Monday morning!
We get that. We understand your challenge. And we're here for you.
We are professional bookworms. We read everything under the sun, and give you a concise summary. We ruin our eyesight reading hundreds of books per year so you don't have to.
In short, here's what we offer (yes, free of charge. No salesperson will call. By the way, I hate selling!):
- a FREE service that puts right into your email box, twice per week, valuable knowledge that you can USE to increase your performance, your market value and ultimately how much you EARN in your career or business
So sit back and relax! We've got your back covered! Grab a beer, enjoy life! Go shopping for shoes, you're worth it!
As we channel valuable and strategic knowledge into your email box, you will channel -- through careful reading and reflection -- the applicable knowledge into your mind. As your mind is fed intelligent and strategic knowledge, it will guide your daily actions, eventually resulting in more success in your life.
In short, more success, more power, more income and more happiness! And all you have to do is check your email!
Last but not least, I'm all ears when it comes to your needs and concerns, so feel free to drop me a line anytime!
Cheers for now,
Peter Nguyen
Editor / publisher